Better or Worse – You Decide
1 min read

Better or Worse – You Decide

The diminutive chain of habit is scarcely heavy enough to be felt, till it is too strong to be broken.
– Samuel Johnson[1]

Every day we make countless decisions.

Every decision is the result of a conscious or subconscious internal argument. These internal arguments do not need to only be about doing something. They can also be about not doing something. Whatever we let win these arguments, becomes more likely to win again in the future. Whatever wins our internal argument grows stronger – whatever loses shrinks.

This knowledge helps us realize, that every decision matters. They stack up over time and are likely to become habitual. In this way, every decision influences our future in a very subtle way.

If you don’t take conscious control of your everyday decisions, you will develop detrimental habits.

If you do take conscious control of your everyday decisions, you will develop beneficial habits.

Every single day:

You decide!

  1. Samuel Johnson, The Vision of Theodore (modified). ↩︎

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